Sunday, September 19, 2010

Nil's Jazz Ensemble (S/T) (1976)

"Reflexiones" excerpt

"Summer Love" excerpt

"Black Angel" excerpt

Fantastic latin-jazz-funk album recorded in Lima, Peru in 1976, starring leader/saxaphonist/flautist Nilo Espinosa, formerly of Bossa 70, and also featuring keyboardist Miguel "Chino" Figueroa, a member of renowned latin-funk band Black Sugar.

A killer set from start to finish, starting off with the classic jazz-funker 'Reflexiones', and featuring giant covers of "Black Angel" (a Freddie Hubbard tune penned by Kenny Barron); John Handy's funk tune "Hard Work", and the Blackbyrd's track "Summer Love" (written by Allan Barnes).

The vinyl of this goes for way-too-big bucks, and the CD reissue has been deleted, so I've put the album together by combining relevant parts of an Espinosa CD compilation with a tracked-down missing track "Siempre" - so you can all hear the whole wonderful thing in either WAV or 320 mp3 (apart from 'Siempre', which is at 212kbps) - so check the comments for links and say hi .


01. Reflexiones (Figueroa)
02. Looking for a Blues
03. Summer Love (Allan Curtis Barnes)
04. Black Angel (Kenny Barron)
05. Siempre
06. Somos Nada
07. Hard Work (John Handy)


Nilo Espinosa: Saxophone [Tenor, Alto, Soprano], Flute
Pancho Saenz: Trumpet, Flugelhorn
Miguel "Chino" Figueroa: Electric piano, Clavinet, Mellotron
Richie Zellon: Electric Guitar
Oscar Stagnaro: Electric Bass
Ramon Stagnaro: Electric Guitar
Andres Silva: Drums
Jorge Montero: Guitar

Mauro Silva : Congas
Ary Quispe : trombone


Recorded in Lima, Peru 1976.
MAG Records N. 2535


Nico said...

I cannot see them (Firefox). Thanks for this post and an excellent blog. Many thanks for te years of continuos efforts in bringing te readers great music !
Cheerz mate !

Simon666 said...

Thanks Nico.
I've now linked a youtube video as a preview ...

øשlqæda said...

sounds brill, many thanks for this new discovery. our version of firefux also has trubs peepin the preview playas, but twas never a problem in the past tho, so i dunno wot gives. excellent blogggg indeed. in truth, one of the best. so nice to seaya again

dan beckham said...

thanks for putting this together. i have reflexiones on a comp called rende-vous street jazz, been wanting to hear more.

Reza said...

the youtube clip sold it to me !
thanks simon

Anonymous said...


Little Tony Negri said...

Thanks Simon!!

Bill said...

Looking forward to this! Looks good. I can`t see the preview with Firefox either.

nlgbbbblth said...

Black Angel rules, thanks very much

Wallofsound said...

Many thanks

taro nombei said...

Funky indeed.
Thanks indeed for this one Simon.
All the best from over here...

Simon666 said...

Thanks for the comments guys, glad people are enjoying this.

Unknown said...

Please note well that KENNY BARRON wrote the tune "The Black Angel" and he did play piano on the Freddie Hubbard recording entitled the same.

Simon666 said...

Yep, I credited Barron in the text and tracklist .... love his playing on the Hubbard version, this made me pull out the CD for a listen.

For those who don't know it :

Jazzjet said...

Thanks for this. Looks intriguing.

Martin W said...

Nice one, remembering seeing this on record collectors Wall of Fame for years, never knew anything about it.

baf said...

hi and thanks again

flyra said...

great - thanks!
i see the players in Opera

Anonymous said...

Hi Simon

Another great LP you are kind enough
to share.

Greatly appreciated as always.


Jazz Obsessive

the jazzstronaut said...

Hi Simon, thanks for another great share, will enjoy listening to this tonight. And thanks for all your effort as well!

Tru$tfund Ty said...

chino on the rhodes & a mellotron?!! can't lose

c. schooley said...

amazing! Thanks a heap

flageolette said...

MrBill said...

Hey Simon - I loved the Youtube preview so DL'd the whole thing. Thanks! I'm a total troglodyte (I use IE) and couldn't see anything for the other previews.

Winb said...

Top stuff yet again. Thanks for another piece of excellent music.

Calmos said...

First, thanks Simon for your incredible hard work ... years passes, and you still go on educating us! Respect !

secondly, for those who hate the ebay logo, here's the original direct link to the cover of Nil's jazz ensemble (hosted and made by the excellent D u s t y G r o o v e record shop (351 × 349):


Simon666 said...

Thanks for all the comments guys :)

Now, the preview player problem seems to have righted itself. I'm seeing the players again in Firefox, Safari and Chrome. Could I just get a confirmation that you guys are seeing them again (and what browser you're seeing them in ?) Thanks :)

Calmos said...

Firefox 3.6.3 : works
Safari 5.01 : works

hope this helps...


Anonymous said...

wow. in spite of this killer line up. I never heard of this album.
Thanks a million.

Robert said...

Thanks Simon like always!!
Your posts are so generous and warm-:)
that seems like one great record,it's very appreciated!!

Simon666 said...

Thanks again for comments guys, and thanks Calmos for the heads up on the players.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing!-Fender Rhodes sounds great..


Anonymous said...

thank you

Harry said...

wow, just listened to the previews (showing up fine on firefox with mac snow leopard). . can't wait to enjoy them to the full, as always your hard work and passion is much appreciated!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Good stuff as usual. Thans Simon!

bossa bom dia said...

Wow, never thought i can find this great album anywhere. Big thanks again to Simon!

klf said...

Thanks from amish/pretzel land in PA!

Klemen Breznikar said...

Hey there. I really like your blog, so I added it to my new blog about obscure music. I would really appreciate if you can add mine to your blog list and follow if you like it of course. Thanks

Andreas said...

Thanks for this groovey upload from Levallois, France.

Anonymous said...

Ola a great Latina-jazzy-funk,Extra regards Simon *** Magnifico *** .Dekarea

Gildas said...

Nice one again Simon !

Below the gift of the month (though I am just a messenger here, not the originator)

But before, can you help ?
Is there someone around with a premium access to megaupload ? The video from Roy Ayers Tribute is +1GB so it requires a special access on megaupload

How shall I access to it ? Can you re-upload the file ?

The link is


Robert Glasper Experiment w/ Pete Rock, Stefon Harris & Bilal
September 11, 2010
Paris, France @ Cabaret Sauvage - Roy Ayers Tribute
-streaming video:
-FLV video file:
-MP3 (256kbs):

Robert Glasper Trio & Bilal
September 12, 2010
Paris, France @ Cite de la Musique
-streaming video:
-FLV video file:

My pleasure, dear fellows


Ziv Rotner said...

Thanks for the interesting share. Description like this one always make me hungry to download and listen with full attention.

Simon666 said...

Hi Gildas,
Sorry, I don't know anyone with premium access to Megaupload.

Anonymous said...

Hallo,there is a repress on vinyl of it, i have a copy that i bought one year ago from Nik Weston on discogs,this record rocks!!!!!! Good blog by the way!!!!! Didier from Brussels

Gianni aka Cesare Barbetta said...

fantastic record!
thank you Simon.

Anonymous said...

Great music! Many thanks.

Rodrigo López "Donny" said...

Hi, Great blog. I've got my own about black music: . If you want we can change links. just let me know in my site. Thanks very much

Anonymous said...

Hey Simon, I know it's a strange request but I'm dying to see your record collection. Any chance of uploading a photo of your record wall(s)???
Over the years you provided me with the best jazz LPs I've heard in my life, thank you for that...

Cheers, Dan

Anonymous said...

Haven't surfed through hear in a long time, but a friend gave me word on this nice gem.. Thanks a lot for posting, it is very appreciated. Blogs like this are begining to look more and more like cultural institutions..


Ms.BeatJunkie!!! said...

youre dope

StaxLogic said...

This really dope! Many thanks for posting it up, appreciate it!!

pollux said...

Yes, really dope LP, thanks a lot Simon !

Solomon said...

Hey Simon,

Thanks for all your work. A lot of great albums!

I just started a website, but instead of sharing albums, I am sharing transcriptions/sheet music for songs that don't have it.

I have two transcriptions up so far, Mtume's "Sais" and Jean-Luc Ponty's "How Would You Like To Have A Head Like That?" I'll be updating more soon.

I'd love it if you could put my website on your blogwatch.

Please check it out.

Thanks again Simon.


Simon666 said...

Thanks for all the comments guys.

Solomon! sounds great, have added it :)

Anonymous said...

dude!!!! a million thanks for putting up all this lovely music!!! greetings, thanks and respect from berlin


Anonymous said...

thanks alot for this share!

M.Champ said...

I was in Lima for a month this summer. Heard all kinds of goodies, (and TONS of American pop crap) in the taxi-cabs. Thanks million. My Peruvian wife will be happy this was recorded there.

Eselsdistel said...

Hi, Simon! First of all, thanks for the good music! Second: does it always have to be from Vinyl-Rips and in Mp3/Wav? Do you have anything against contributions from CD in ogg or Flac? By the way, I´m just listening to Nil's music now... I love that Rhodes with that reverbed wah-wah sound. Are you keen on Amp settings for Rhodes pianos?

HCM said...

Listened the "Reflexiones" excerpt and i thought this album i've got to check out properly!! thanks for sharing unknown (at least for me ;) slice of jazz, again!!

Eselsdistel said...

Simon, I think the 5th track of the WAV downloads is in Mp3-Format... It would be nice, if you could upload it also in WAV... Thank you!

Simon666 said...

Thanks Michael, Eselsdistel and the Hoochieman for your comments :)

Eselsdistel -

re your question from the other day : I've got nothing 'against' contributions in any formats :) Do you have something that you would like to contribute?

And re your request about the 5th track - have a read of my original post, that's all explained in the last paragraph ...


intwizz said...

"Black Angel" freakin kills it, unbelivable. The way the bassdrum sounds, damn. Such proggressive shit. Thank you so much, im happy right now, listening to this.

Anonymous said...

Super mad tasty. I'll be playing Reflexiones on my radio show this weekend. Thanks!

Budd said...

Excellent choice once again! Have you checked out my blog Simon? I think it might be 'up your street' as they say! You consistently provide listeners with a pleasurable listening experience Thanks!

boogieman said...

Hi Simon,
I'm a great fan of your blog and it was an inspiration for starting mine (although it will take a while for me to reach such a standard!).
Here's the address:



Hi Simon
Happy Lysergic New Year !

taro nombei said...

Happy New Year Simon.
All good, I hope!

Mike said...

Thanks for this and the consistently high quality of posts on this blog

Simon666 said...

Thanks for the comments and new year's wishes guys, all good here :)

yotte said...

Hey Simon,
I'm comin' at you with hat in hand...
With Pathway To Unknown Worlds in a semi-sort of-who knows maybe forever-kind of retirement, I decided to start a Sun Ra blog this week. I'm hoping you will add it to your blogwatch. I'd also like to invite you to stop by and take a look around - it's pretty bare right now but I expect to post daily for at least the next month or so...

It's called Adventure-Equation and the url is


Simon666 said...

Thanks Yotte, added to blogwatch :)

yotte said...

So nice. THANK YOU, Simon! I probably visit your blogwatch more often than any other site on the web. It's a real pleasure to see my blog up there.

steve.d said...

Simon you're welcome to

Hevisto said...


Your site looks great.

Is there any chance to get a re-up of Ahmad Jamal Freeflight! from a couple years back? I cannot find it anywhere else.

Thank you so much,

Simon666 said...

Hi Hevisto -
The WAV file downloads are still working for that album.

D . Nero said...

Hello Guys! Congratulations for blog!
I'm sorry for my english, I am Brazilian and I speak almost no English.
Just started with my blog that will be with a cd for download every week.
The styles are as diverse as Jazz, Brazilian Music, World Music, Contemporary Music and others ...
Hope you enjoy!
All sujestão or comments are welcome ...
Bre texts also put the cds to learn together.
If it is of interest to you I propose a deal ...
Put the link of you on my blog and you guys do the same with yours!!
Until it! big hug

Anonymous said...

Thanx for THIS!!!
What a great share...


Anonymous said...

Wow, Simon!

Simply wow! That's a really nice one! An I was about to think that the only great music form South America was coming from Brazil. This one proved me wrong!

Anonymous said...

please keep on posting Simon i LOVED the brazil compilations

Anonymous said...

Hey Simon, you introced me to Hermeto Pascoal a giant in Brazilian jazz word etc etc music - i hope this disk cuts it as you say - and as the huge number of comments seems to back up

I live for the funk, but have been disappointed so many times thru the years..But ther is that motherlode of gold you get to and they never made it and you think Whaat ?


Unknown said...

Bonjour, merci, merci beaucoup de partager de si belle musique !!

Thanks a lot.

Warm Regards from France


AMM said...

hi simon,
hope your well m8!
awesome drop!!!
respect from blighty!

Anonymous said...

thanks for posting this music! makes my day :)

Anonymous said...

hi! realmente es una musica espectacular.. no hay palabras(!¡) muchas muchas gracias y que viva ud mucho tiempo.

izmir çetesi said...


Anonymous said...

Truly stellar. I wish you the best.

drumdude said...

this blog has been so influential, way more than music teachers, school and mama&papa. you can hear it yourself :-)

cosmic peace.

El Carretero said...

muchas muchas gracias ! thanks so much!!!!!!! eres muy grande !!!!

Unknown said...

Hi Simon, Thank you again (never enough !) for this hard long work you did and do...

Love Thought from France.

Ashley Robb Crockett said...

ah, simon. you have no idea how much i love this blog. where have you gone? its been a while.

Astral Traveller said...

Inspiration pure !!! I discovered the real "Jazz" through your Blog. Thank you for all the Music and Information.

Don said...

I'm about to drop this link from my site because it hasn't had any posts for six months. Is this place still active?

I realize how hard it is to stay motivated and provide material, but it's been a long time without any notice.

Simon666 said...

Hi Don -
Well, I plan to come back, have plenty more records to rip etc. , but happen to be going through a phase where work prohibits me from spending enough time on this.
I can't say exactly when that will be - hopefully soon - and in the meantime, it's up to you as to whether or not you think your readers may find something of use in the 181 existing posts from my collection here.
Many of these readers are probably yet to see either my or your blog ..... people come and go.

Simon666 said...

(and thanks all for comments)

ugetsu said...

Hi Simon,
Hope you are well,just seeing one of the comments about lack of posts!I must say content is king, it's not about the quantity of posts its the quality that counts and I defy anybody not to read any of your posts and see the the amount of knowledge and research(and passion!) that as gone into each one, real life gets in the way and blogland is an escape not reality!so i'll continue to follow and also you've provided a wonderful service through your blogroll so more power to your elbow sir!!take care
and yes I was inspired by your good self!!!!

Don said...

Thanks Simon. I enjoy your site and look forward to it starting up again. I definitely see the value in your previous posts and perhaps I seemed to eager to drop you. I'm obsessive about providing on-topic and thriving sites.

I just took three months off from one of my blogs so I fully understand how much time these things consume.

steve.d said...
Hi Simon,a new url address for the blog.

Anonymous said...

totally awesome. i pass by here from time to time, and am never disappointed with your musical choice and in-depth knowledge.

ford2075 said...

Thanks Simon for this excellent one - ideal sound for a warm spring in France..

Axel Steinbiss said...

Thank you so so much! I am a piano player and this is a great inspiration for me!


lafaro said...

hey i just started a blog called things i like too do have alot of jazz stuff i will be posting everyday so come check it out here is the link

Anonymous said...

Thank you brother! wav upload is GOD :)

wfs said...

thanks for sharing that wonderful music ever heard.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your support over the past few months. Just to let you know, I've moved from my blogspot site to:

I'd really appreciate it if you could update your bookmark. Thanks again and all the best from sunny scotland.

Simon666 said...

hi Duncan,

Z said...

simon much respect!!
great site i appreciate all the hard work. i feel the same way sometimes.. "NEVER ENOUGH RHODES!!"


indigo amatista said...

esto es tremendo!!! siempre música buenasa aquí!!! un abrazO!!!

Simon666 said...

thanks and gracias for all comments :)

Anonymous said...

Amazing, thanks again Simon!

from Simon

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Simon!

troods said...

Love you Simon! Thanks for all the musical introductions!

L0sT J@Zz said...

Too good !!!!


Nicolás Diab said...

My Rhodesphilia and I are very happy to met you and your blog.
Thank You!

Nicolás Diab said...

Brilliant! Brilliant!
Thank You!

Simon666 said...

thanks for the comments guys :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks man! You rock!

Hanimex 3000 said...

Damn, it seems that I forgot to say thank you after all this time..
What a fantastic "allkillanofilla" LP !! Finding great different renditions of US jazz and jazzfunk classics is especially pleasant, but the other tunes are equal dope!! Same kind of project as Maranata from Uruguay, but thats clearly the upper level. I'd bet tracks like "reflexiones", "siempre" or "somos nada" are covers of some untraceable salsa tunes...

Anonymous said...

Massive Blog !

troods said...

Looking forward to this. Lima, Peru. I'm groovin' already.

troods said...

And thank you for your generosity!!

Simon666 said...

Thanks Hanimex 3000 and Troods for the nice comments :)

Chubidubi said...

stevena said...

WONDERFUL !!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

nice music here! thanks for the dedication :)

E T H I C S said...

Het Simon666, thanks for checkin my blog. Lovin' yours and diggin this album. Thanks for sharing!

Simon666 said...

No problem Eddie :)
Check it out folks!

Anonymous said...

some mesmerising passages, brilliant, thank you

Anonymous said...

New one to me. Many thanks.

Anonymous said...

It`s being sold at Ebay for 10 dollars..

Scraps said...

My god, there is a gold mine of stuff that I haven't checked out (but I will). I wish that I was here commenting on stuff as it was posted; it would have been a salve when I was recovering from my stroke (actually, I am still recovering -- probably be recovering my whole life -- so, thank you! Um, where did I put my close parentheses? Ah, here it is).

Clément said...

A few years later, the link is still working... Thanks mate for sharing all that stuff on your site, it's always been a pleasure to discover such unknown jewels thanks to guys like you. Cheers from France!

Tomas Cipolla said...

Thanks Simons! Great music. I leave you my recent release as a drummer and composer, a record called Pachacuti which, in consonance with the origin of this record, is a quechua term. My regards from Buenos Aires

centralcoastconservatorium said...

that's brilliant blog for music education.Jazz Ensembles is so good.

Simon666 said...

New links in post

Karen Noronha said...

Hey hey i've been lookin for Summer Love for years! Years! Had no idea who it was by, until you. Love the blog will keep coming back :)

Thank you!

Simon666 said...

Great that you found it, Karen :)

KingsGroove said...

Absolute class album! Thank you so much for posting! Trying to find as many of these 'priceless' albums as possible! Superb!