Tuesday, June 24, 2008

never enough rhodes - comp #8 (brazil)

We're back to Brazil again for this eighth compilation in the rhodes series. Some jazz, some funk, a bit of samba and some amazing orchestration .. I'll let the previews talk for me today, but take my word for it that this one is hot, so give it a try!

.... and leave a comment - you know that we bloggers go crazy unless you do :) Even if just to say "Your cover design's improving a little".

Anyway, enjoy it.

click the pic below for more rhodes compilations


  1. Here's a tracklist :

    01 Albatroz - Ronie & Central Do Brasil
    02 Tempos Atraz X – Azymuth
    03 Beijo Partido - Aquarius
    04 Vôo De Apolo - Antonio Adolfo
    05 Bananeira - Joao Donato
    06 Todo Amor Que Devora - Emilio Santiago
    07 Estardalhaço - Bebeto Castilho
    08 Maior é Deus - Trio Mocotó
    09 Reza - Cal Tjader
    10 Luiza - Beto Guedes
    11 Assanhada - Antonio Adolfo
    12 A vida em seus métodos diz calma - Di Melo
    13 Swinga Sambaby - Trio Mocotó
    14 Salve, Rainha – Claudia
    15 Quero ver voce no baile - Paula Lima
    16 Love and Aggression - Sergio Mendes
    17 Pinnacle - Moacir Santos
    18 Vera Cruz - Pete and Sheila Escovedo
    19 Cascavel - Antonio Adolfo
    20 Tacho (Mixing Pot) - Hermeto Pascoal
    21 A riddle - Moacir Santos
    22 Guezagui - Ed Motta

  2. Nice post, can't get enough of Brazil.

  3. great simon!
    I keep downloading and thanking you!!!

  4. i appreciate it gianni, thanks to you (and travis) for commenting.

    If you like track 4 "Beijo Partido" (cover of a Milton Nascimento track); grab the Aquarius album at Quimsy's Mumbo Jumbo

  5. By the way--have you seen this
    (the item at the top of the page):

  6. hey swboy, glad you like this one, as you know i've been a fan of your comps :)
    Yes saw that one, thanks - great to see stuff coming out as a result of MPS-Love starting ...

  7. right on! Looking forward to this one, your comps are great.

  8. I couldn't agree more. Your compilations are terrific. There are so many terrific songs on this one.

    The Di Melo song is one of my all time Brazilian favourites (it is also on the indispensible Blue Brazil 2 compilation). The Antonio Adolfo songs are also great. And the Paula Lima song, WOW!!!

    I'm still waiting, however, for some songs of my favourite female singers to be included in one of your Brazil compilations, like Elis Regina, Nara Leao or Claudette Soares. Any chance?

    Looking forward to the next Brazil compilation. And keep up the good work. I'm always thrilled when there is a new post on your site.


  9. I could do a comp like Jur is asking about. My interest tends to "contemporary traditional" rather than "worldbeat" ie.
    with the accent on acoustic roots music.
    my best--sw

  10. Hi swboy -
    Sounds good, drop me a mail here

  11. Simon--
    I get "web page not found" clicking on that link. Can post the Rapidshare link here with list and picture. sw

  12. swboy, I would be very honoured if you could do such as compilation. There is so much great Brazilian music that could be included.

    Back in the pre-internet days it was quite difficult to get your hands on Brazilian music in the Netherlands. I bought most of my music on vacation in Paris and Lisbon. Nowadays great Brazilian songs are all around the blogosphere. Sometimes I feel like a kid in a candy store not kowing what to taste first.

    I'm really curious to hear your favourites, swboy.


  13. Yes me too :)
    Sorry if I wasn't clear swboy - I was just saying to contact me via email so we can work out how/when. Hear from you soon!

  14. I really dig your comps. Great selections, smooth flow.

  15. Hi guys,
    Brazil Rhodes 4 is out now :


  16. Great blog this, so much to discover!

  17. Thanks very much for putting all of this together!

  18. Hey! I know I'm slightly late but the link is down. Could you re-up please? Great comps from the ones I've listened to! Thanks in advance,

  19. Re-up


  20. Thank you very much. All the best,
