"Bem Vinda" (excerpt)
"Transamazonica" (excerpt)
"Brazilian Skies" (excerpt)
"Viramundo" (excerpt)
"A Chamada" (excerpt)
Commiserations to our brazilian friends for the football - some consolation here in the form of twenty-three storming rhodes tracks from, or inspired by their great land.

A brief intro from the master, Hermeto Pascoal, leads us into some jazz-fused bangers from Som Imaginario, Antonio Adolfo, Marcos Resende and others.
O Quarteto's clustered vocal tones take us through some live Sergio Mendes and Brasil '77 into the middle section, fusing pop, funk and soul with Marcos Valle, Hyldon, Banda Black Rio and more.

The fusions of Azymuth and Headhunter Bill Summers (check that keyboard solo) leads us back to the atmospherics of Robertinho Silva and the deeper jazz of an uncharacteristically instrumental Ed Motta, before we finish with the beautiful melancholy of instrumental Marcos Valle and the amazing voice of Alaide Costa accompanied by Oscar Castro-Neves.
Enjoy the comp, check the previews above - all tracks @ 320kbps bar one or two - and leave a comment so that I know you're with me on this blogging trip ...
Big everlasting thanks to many blogs and bloggers for feeding my love of various brazilian musics over the last few years - including Quimsy, Ish, Bacoso, Reza, BC, Porco Rosso, Flabbergast, J Thyme, Bruxa, all the Gears crew, and many more, sorry if I've forgotten you ....

Cor! This looks truly thrilling. Looking forward to...
& all 13 rhodes comps?!?! Yow! Where have I been? I'm on it & a big cheers Simon for your labour of love!
Thanks for another fine compilation, Simon.
Many thanks Simon!!
Thank you! I love all of your comps (you have a great ear)! Can't wait to check it out!
thanks for the comments guys :)
Blogger comments were not publishing for 24 hours, so I had to put the link in the post itself - always means you lose most comments, so thanks for going to the effort, and glad you're enjoying this :)
outstanding effort - thanks
no need to mess around with the excerpts, straight in with the DL.
thanks as aways Simon, I know it's going to be another crackerjack.
much appreciated!
amazing stuff! thank you!
please more compilations! (i've started downloading the previous ones)
Man, it is really cosmically unfair that I can't get most of your shares (or anyone else's) from my current home due to my crappy ISP's issues with doling out IP addresses. I will try to grab this from a wireless hook-up next time I am in the city, it looks delicious.
Meanwhile thanks for the shout-out. ;)
Well I hope you can get it Flabbergast :) Thanks also for your kinds words on the Gil Scott post, which I just read.
nice one! thank u very much
Nice to see you posting regularly again. Neverenoughrhodes is my favourite blog when it comes to music.
Looks like just the thing for a two hour drive tomorrow. Thanks.
Thanks Bruxa, good to see you here ;)
And thanks all for the comments!
Hi Simon
Thanks for sharing some lovely funky sounds & some equally lush melodies.
Particular favourites are the second Marcos Valle track,Sergio Mendes & the opening track Bem Vinda by Hermeto Pascoal
Your hard work is always appreciated.
Jazz Obsessive
Great stuff. A lot of these cats are totally new to me and all of them are killin. Thanks!
If you get a minute and feel like watching some musical videos check out something I just started putting together.
Thanks Again!
There are no words man!
WOW!!! I just got all three Brazil comps. I'm lovin every second. Thanks!!!
thanks for the comments guys :)
I was on my way to Central Park to see a free show UNTIL I saw that you had posted the Brazilian Rhodes compilation. Indoors it is, these tracks have enough sunshine. You are greatly appreciated!!
I'm not seeing the link. A hint?
Suffering Rhodes withdrawal symptoms so I'm back after too long. Looks like a stormer of a comp, Simon!
Thanks for stopping by guys :)
pawlyshyn, see the first comment for the link.
Hi folks, cross-promotion time, come and check out the new Rhodes compilation : ”LIBRARY RHODES”
outstanding effort indeed, simon. i don't know if it's physically possible, but i do hope that you NEVER EVER stop posting recordings, particularly rare gems like these.
I always look forward to your posts. Thanks for the music! Best wishes
thx man :)
As I said in the Library Rhodes comments (!), a perfect summer soundtrack.
Thanks TN :)
and thanks all for comments ..
Wow! Can't wait to listen to these comps. Your work is much appreciated!
Hi Simon, too long before I stopped by. The Brazil Rhodes Comp 3 is FANTASTICALLY FINE! the Hermeto Pascoal opener is especially tasty -going to check out your other Brazilian comps now, and I hope find a lot more Hermeto- IF none on your site, do you know where I could pick up a listen of more of his work
The Rhodes ( which I love playing as an amateur seems particularly RIGHT in Brazil mode!
Peace and many many thanks to you
Thanks Magenta and Censusloss :)
Censusloss, glad you're liking the Hermeto. Everything he does is interesting in some way, but I'd strongly recommend these three albums :
Hey, just wanted to say how much I appreciate your blog. This is truly wonderful stuff. But I have a burning request. You seem to know a lot about Brazilian music. I have this song off a radio show, truly an amazing singer with a poignant timbre to her voice and the backing rhodes, well it's what keeps me playing. But I don't know the name of the song and I can't for the life of me pinpoint who the singer is. If I were to manage to get this song to you somehow, do you think you can help me out, or maybe some of your readers? If you read this, you can contact me at malzabon@hotmail.com, and my name is Christo. Regards.
hey christo ... I'm no expert by maybe someone can help you :)
You should upload the song to somewhere like mediafire.com so we can hear it ...
Hey Simon, I uploaded the file to mediafire. Hope I can have some success. Here's the link:
Hey, me again, Christo. I found the name of the singer and the song. She is Nana Caymmi, Brasilian, and the title of the song is, "Essas Tardes Assim." Thanks to all. And keep the music alive Simon!
Hey Christo, glad you found it :) I knew the voice but couldn't quite place it ....
Thanks again for this!!! Your site is doing big things and I really do appreciate all of the hard work. PEace and GOD BLESS
Fantastic! I can't take my ears off it. Thanks a lot.
Great compilation man, whats that hermeto from?
Thanks for comments jcmoss33, grave, Radek and gringonalgaprieta :)
gringonalgaprieta - the Hermeto track is from a 1979 live Montreux album, here's a link :
magic music.... thank you for lettin' me know thos great musicians!
ciao from Italy
awesome stuff! blog has me falling in love with the rhodes.
thank you very much!! the whole blog is awesome! I think I'm in love :D
dope ! thank you!
Wow, THAT is yummy stuff! Where could you sniff such treasures out? You must have a golden nose for tracing great music.
(Right now I am going singing "La La La La ....") :-)
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Dude, why do you use Rapidshare? It's the worse and takes for ever. I wouldn't give them any business anymore.
Anyway, your stuff is great.
Thanks for all the comments guys, glad you're enjoying this one : )
To the latest comment : Well, I'm glad I uploaded this album 18 months ago to Rapidshare, and not Megaupload, Fileshare, Filesonic, 4share etc etc etc ... it may be slow, but it's still here :)
Isn't that the truth!!! - Thanks for all your hard work and shares Simon666.
Peace. J
thank you such great songs
thanks anaonymous, glad you enjoyed it :)
came to this blog via barbara sounds and n. e. rhodes is now my favourite listening zone since loronix.. thanks for the posts
You're welcome pepe, glad you're enjoying it! Will do another Brazil Rhodes comp soon ....
Your Hip-Hop comp was fantastic and turned me onto some great artists as well as reminding me of some I hadn't kept up with. Any chance of another?
hey anonymous, will try when I have some time :)
Hi guys,
Brazil Rhodes 4 is out now :
Killer music!!!!!! THANKYOU!
Thanks so much for this share, I like so many of your comps but this one is on non-stop.. tight jazz, mellow grooves and Astrid's voice, full of beautiful nostalgia.. lovely.
Thanks Pepe! Glad you're enjoying it ....
Also thanks ianob for your comment :)
Just re-discovered the site, and catching up with the last couple of years postings. Really great stuff, your time and energy in keeping going is much appreciated. Best Regards, MF
Just snoopin around- fantastic comps!I love this period in Brasil/jazz sounds and that Rhodes is key. BIG THANX
Fantastic music and thanks for spreading the love.
These compilations are absolutely fantastic.
Keep going man!
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