When I saw this vinyl in the shop the other day, I thought : "That's the one between El Goog Ja's 'Bridging a Gap' (1973) and 'Mark Murphy Sings' (1975), originally ripped by Ish. .... never mind that the front cover clearly comes from the Csaba Deseö "School of Potato Print Painting", I had to have it. So here we have my first blog-related purchase ...
What can we say about Mark Murphy, apart from re-printing the same old AMG bio? One of the only "out" gay people in jazz besides Andy Bey, Fred Hersch, myself and Ish, it seems. A man who is regarded as the epitome of both "hip" and "mullet" at the same time, check this hair :
On this release, Murphy offers his unique interpretations of lesser-known tracks by well-known "contemporary" artists - Stevie Wonder, Bread, Joni Mitchell, The Band, David Crosby and others. He also contributes two tracks himself - "They", which ponders whether or not alien visitors think about love, and "Lemme Blues", where he gradually works himself up to a relative vocal fever pitch.
It's a both a year and a musical mile away from the brilliant vocalese of 1975's "Mark Murphy Sings", but is still well worth your time - Murphy is in top vocal form here. I'm more partial to his version of Wonder's "Looking for Another Pure Love"; "Chicken Road", and the low key tracks such as Crosby's "Triad".
Apart from the aliens in "They", I note a lyric reference to "water brothers" in the Crosby "Triad" song, which references Robert Heinlein's sci-fi book "Stranger in a Strange Land", and there are also many intergalactic references in some of Murphy's collaborations at the base of this post. In 1970 he released an album called "This Must be Earth" - so it seems that Mark has definitely signed up for the Space Patrol. The rather scary Liza Minnelli confirmed this when she once said : 'There's a party goin' on in Mark's head, and I want to go to it!'
Much more detail in the back cover notes (readable from the scan above, but better in the download) - and I'm now curious about his late 60s acting career in London, particularly his role as Jesus in a TV pilot. Some would argue that the mullet alone could be grounds for crucifixion, but we'll let him off because he sings so well.

bonus download:
See base of discography below for tracklisting
o1. 'Chicken Road' - (Greene)
02. 'Too Much Love' - (Griffin / Royer)
03. 'The Unfaithful Servant' - (J.R. Robertson)
04. 'Lookin' for Another Pure Love' - (Stevie Wonder)
05. 'Barangrill' - (Joni Mitchell)
06. 'Triad' - (David Crosby)
07. 'They' - (Mark Murphy)
08. 'Sleeping' - (R.Manuel / R.Roberston)
09. 'Lemme Blues' - (Mark Murphy)
10. 'Truckin' - (Griffin / Royer)
Mark Murphy - vocals
Ken Ascher - keyboards
Sam Brown - guitar
John Tropea - guitar
Mike Moore - bass
Jimmy Madison - drums
Susan Evans - percussion
Arrangements - David Matthews
Production - Helen Keane and David Matthews
Recording - Ray Hall
Liner Notes - Peter Keepnews
Recorded December 19-21, 1973
Released 1974
MARK MURPHY on le Planet Blog
1958 "Let Yourself Go" - blog gone, can anyone re-up?
1959 "Mark Murphy's Hip Parade" at El Goog Ja
1961 "Rah!" at El Goog Ja
1962 "That's How I Love The Blues" at Entsharing / alternative
1965 "Who Can I Turn To" donated by "Shivers Inside" (thanks!)
1970 "Midnight Mood" MP3 at El Goog Ja
1970 "Midnight Mood" FLAC at Call It Anything
1973 "Bridging a Gap" at El Goog Ja
1974 "Mark II" in comments here.
1975 "Mark Murphy Sings" at Ile Oxumaré
1978 "Stolen Moments" at Oufar Khan
1980 "Satisfaction Guaranteed" at El Goog Ja
1981 "Bop for Kerouac" FLAC at Call It Anything
1981 "Bop for Kerouac" MP3 at Funky Disposition
1982 "The Artistry of Mark Murphy" at Nine Sisters
1983 "Brazil Song" FLACS 1 - 2 - 3 , and covers-76kb
1983 "Brazil Song" MP3 at Rapidshare (thanks Ish)
1983 "Sings the Nat King Cole Songbook" (Vol 1) at Nine Sisters
1983 "Sings the Nat King Cole Songbook" (Vol 2) at Nine Sisters
1984 "Living Room" at Funky Disposition
1986 "Kerouac, Then and Now" at Call It Anything
1987 "Beauty and the Beast" at Ile Oxumaré
1990 "What a Way to Go" at Musica & Tecnologia
1996 “North Sea Jazz Sessions Volume 5” with Louis Van Dyke Trio
- Recorded 1970-74, good early version of "Stolen Moments"DOWNLOAD from Rapidshare (thanks Soul Gentleman)
1997 "Song for the Geese" at Musica & Tecnologia
2000 "Live At Birdland" Set 1 - Set 2, cover/details-36k
2005 "Once to Every Heart" at 02 Forum or Boogie no More
2007 "Love Is What Stays" at Entsharing or musica que cuelga
2003 "Timeless" (1971-2003 comp) - blog gone, can anyone re-up?
2008 Gilles Peterson's Mark Murphy Mixup via Play Jazz Loud
- Great mix, recommended.
"MPS Jazz Concert '69" at Ile Oxumaré
- two Murphy tracks, "C.C. Rider" and "Broadway"
"Rhyme and Reason" - Herb Geller Octet at Happy As a Fat Rat in a Cheese Factory- Murphy vocals on most tracks - great album !
"An American in Hamburg" by Herb Geller at The Growing Bin- Same as "Rhyme and Reason", with additional instrumental versions of tracks
"Indiana" - Jeff Hamilton Quintet at Arkadin's Ark.- Murphy on "Split Season Blues" only - single track download available in the comments there.
"Dingwalls" from "Journeys by DJ" comp by Gilles Peterson
- Murphy's beatnik-rap ode to Peterson's Sunday club
"One for Junior" - Sheila Jordan and Mark Murphy, MUSE 5489
"Future Light" from "No Sound is Too Taboo" by United Future Organisation.
"Kool Down" (King Britt's Scuba remix) by Tenth & Parker
"Twelve Tribes" from "Creating Patterns" - by 4hero at Hefiorels Eclectic Music (Thanks to Ish)
"Millenium Riddle Song" by Tenth & Parker
- please upload if you've got it , but not the "Late night mix". Thanks.
"No Problem" - from "V" by United Future Organisation.
- beautiful track, recommended.
"Little Things" with Lindberg Hemmer Foundation.
"Chasing the Jazz Gone By" by Five Corners Quintet at The Music Jockey
- Vocals on "Jamming"; "Before we Say Goodbye"; "This Could Be the Start Of Something".
"Stolen Moments" - (UFO Harddisk Mix) - from "United Future Airlines" EP
"Stolen Moments" - (Our Enchanted Demo Mix) by United Future Organisation
- similar to the UFO Harddisk mix
"This Could Be the Start Of Something" (Povo Remix)- from Five Corners Quintet "Jamming" EP
"Stolen Moments" - Nicola Conte Midnight Mood Rework
"Stolen Moments" - Phil H edit - original from Murphy album "Love Is What Stays"
"Love is What Stays" - Henrik Schwarz remix
A combined Collaborations and Remixes file, which includes the individual tracks profiled here, is above.
Please thank and support the above bloggers if you click through and download.
If links go dead, please let me know so I can re-direct and keep the page current.
Thanks to ISH for advice and help on this post.
- Commenting when you've downloaded keeps blogs alive, thereby increasing the amount of music available to you. Thanks to all regular commenters.
Hi simon
I thought that you did it :)
Thanks so much.
Keep it up!!
el goog
Let's all go to the party in Mark's head!
Another brilliant post Simon. I've known the track "Triad" from a compilation, but this album and its priceless cover art is new to me. "Triad" of course pre-dates Isaac Hayes' (r.i.p.) spectacular "Moonlight Lovin'" as one of the few brave musical tributes to the menage a trois; Jefferson Airplane's version of the song is nice too. Such a slice of hippy-dippy carefree exuberance and, gasp, pan-sexuality, a subject seldom met so head-on in jazz, despite our favorite music's obvious sensuality and instrumental eroticism. If Mark Murphy is from outer space, then let the saucers fly!
thanks for the LP Simon.
Hi Simon
A wrong link is included.
"Rapidshare 1 (191mb)" is same as MP3's mediafire link.
PS your rip sounds terrific
Thanks ish - (and thanks again for your help with tracking the collabs).
Yes, i think we should all go to the party inside Mark's head - but perhaps not the one inside Liza's head, that could be dangerous :)
thanks simon,
I didn't know this lp.
thanks again!
oh and wait! I thought of two more out gay men in jazz: Andy Bey and Fred Hirsch. So there.
Well that's five of us then :)
Added a blog link in the post for "Living Room" (1984)
Murphy fest on th go,
There is a link to Murphy's This is how I love the blues.
Thanks Simon
Thanks il angelo, added link :)
Thank you simon PretOria!!!!!!
took about 15 seconds of chicken road to buy into this !! mind you, i just download from here automatically anyway.
all winners, no stinkers ???
many thank simon
wow this is an insanely good post on Mark Murphy especially with all the other blog links as well. great work and great digging. Thanks for sharing!
Links have been added to the post from these albums :
1983 "Brazil Song"
1991 "One for Junior" - Sheila Jordan and Mark Murphy
2000 "Live At Birdland"
These have been donated by a kind blogger who wishes to remain anonymous.
(Finvarra, I needed to delete your original comments and my follow-up comment after speaking to the blogger, who does not wish to have his blog address published.)
I love Mark Murphy!
Thanks for another fine introduction !
thx for this gem. i've been looking for a decent rip for ages..
visit me at
Thank you very much Simon for this wonderful post.
Mark Murphy is one of my favourite artists.
Soul Gentleman has kindly donated ANOTHER Mark Murphy album, which has now been added to the discography in the post.
Here are the details (these are also included in the download) :
“North Sea Jazz Sessions Volume 5”
Mark Murphy with the Louis Van Dyke Trio
Mark Murphy (vocal)
Louis Van Dyke (piano)
Jaques Schols (bass)
John Engels (drums)
Recorded at VARA Studios - Hilversum, Holland, in between 1970 and 1974.
(released in 1996)
Track 1 Bridges
Track 2 I Remember Clifford
Track 3 Norwegian Wood
Track 4 Stolen Moments
Track 5 Summertime
Track 6 Con Alma
Track 7 The Great City
Track 8 As Long As I live
Track 9 Happy Samba
Track 10 He Ain't Heavy
Track 11 Love Sick
Track 12 The Lady is a Tramp
Track 13 'S Wonderful
Track 14 The Windmills of Your Mind
It's got a great early version of "Stolen Moments" ...
Dude, you are fiyah! Please take a break so I can digest your posts. Really, I am still trying to catch up!
Thanks for the Mark Murphy, especially for the "Collaborations and Remixes" comp.
Love the direction you are taking your site, and thanks for your great taste in music, as well as all your hard work!
Well ok, I had to keep scratching that itch. Frustrated with some of the LP noise on those FLACs posted earlier, I started digging, and it turns out most of BRAZIL SONG is available song-by-song on compilations. I have reconstructed a 7/9 digital MP3 version of 1984's Brazil Song, using the 7 songs I snagged from compilations, and MP3 conversions of the two remaining songs from your donated LP Rip FLACS (She and Bolero de Sata--thanks so much to the original donor). I should work for a record company or something.
thank you so much. what a treasure murphy is to the jazz world. so under appreciated.
Soulbrotha, you WiLL need to catch up, particularly with some funk n soul coming up :)
Many thanks, added to the discography in the post ...
You are simply the bomb. Thank you so much for sharing such great music and for all your effort putting together such detailed and complete discographys.
Hi Simon
Join me!
Mark Murphy - Mark Murphy’s Hip Parade
El Goog, you never cease to amaze me :)
link added to discography ...
Another wonderful selection, Mark Murphy is the man! It's always amazed me that there's never been a really comprehensive compilation of his best tracks released spanning his career - but then again who needs one when we've got blogs and links like this!
Thanks so much!!!!!!!!!!
Superb music, you have made my day. "Sleeping" is my favourite song. Thank you so much.
Let me add the name of Wouter Hamel to your list of out gay people in jazz. He is a very talented Dutch vocalist (who writes his own music), but not very well known internationally.
See for example:
A new Mark Murphy?
Hey Jur, thanks for that clip of Wouter Hamel. I enjoyed it a lot!
Hi ish,
The "Breezy Clip" ia also quite nice:
What an album... never owned/listened to this.....
Thanks for all your hard work.
Thanks so much. This has tottaly made my day. I was listening to the album nonstop pretty much the whole morning. I then went to ileoxumare, oufarkhan and elgoog-ja (all blogs from which I download a lot) and just made myself an even happier man. I've been seriously collecting music for many years, work in the business for over 10 and, still, I'd never paid attention to Mark Murphy. This has changed today thanks to you guys, who really don't get thanked enough. So, again, thank you.
Thanks Again Simon...I must say your blog is the most user friendly blog I came across. Thanks
Fantastic post! Thank you for your tremendous efforts!
Thanks for the comments guys.
I saw "Satisfaction Guaranteed" for $25 in a shop today ... nearly bought it JUST to complete the 70s Muse Murphys .... but then I figured someone will drop it here eventually anyway, and bought something else :)
For this one and all the other posts: thanks a million (which is nowhere enough).Found these blogs by chance (?) and just love the music. Came across some good old stuff from the past - some of it never available where I grew up (Germany) or already gone. Only question: how do you rip? (I would use USB turntable and Sound Forge).
Hi Powerpool -
I'm fairly loaded up with sound technology as I lecture in sound at uni (and also compose, produce).
I'm recording into Protools LE software, coming into the Protools MBox hardware (which is itself a soundcard) from a Numark turntable via RCA cables.
For vinyl rips I sometimes I do some subtle re-mastering, minor compression and frequency fixups if the particular record has become worn in a paticular way. I use an industry package from the WAVES company for that.
Finally, I clean the files up with a piece of software called Click Repair, which removes the vinyl clicks and pops.
The turntable's also got a USB output, but i don't use that as it doesn't sound as good - USB is fine for transferring playback audio from a hard disk, but it's not reallllly built for recording audio.
I can understand that it makes it easy for most people to use a USB turntable, because then you don't have to purchase an additional sound card.
Anyway thanks for your comments on the various posts, good that you're enjoying stuff.
Blog link added to the discography :
Mark Murphy - "Let Yourself Go" (1958) from banattan.
The cover is another great piece of 50s hetero marketing for Mark, just like the "hip Parade" cover the next year - he's half-reclining on a piano, looking at the camera. Blonde woman gazes longingly at him, her hands on his shoulders. Brunette woman is turned away, hands crossed over her stomach. Is she pregnant ? Opinions please ...
1. I Got Rhythm (2:26)
2. Elmer's Tune (2:44)
3. 'taint No Sin (To Dance Around In Your Bones) (2:16)
4. Robbin's Nest (3:45)
5. The Lady In Red (3:50)
6. Pick Yourself Up (2:30)
7. Let Yourself Go (1:44)
8. Crazy Rhythm (2:56)
9. Takin' a Chance On Love (4:05)
10. Lullaby In Rhythm (2:58)
11. Little Jazz Bird (2:33)
12. Ridin' High (2:30)
Hi Simon.
Have you already bought "Satisfaction Guaranteed"?
If you not, I found for about 10$ today, shall I buy it?
Of course, I wish too, someone will drop it here eventually :)
hey el goog -
No, it was gone when I went back to the shop - you should grab it!
Good morning Murphy fans -
New addition to the discography - El Goog Ja has posted "Satisfaction Guaranteed" (1980) , so go grab it and thank the man ...
Hi Simon,
add another album to the discography; at Musical Moadom you can find "Song For The Geese"(1997)
Thanks for the info Soul Gentleman.
I've put a link in the discography to their page :
Thanks, the cover versions on this LP are outstanding!
great post,have been a mark murphy fan for years,he is a vocal don,the stamp and personality he puts on songs is amazing,his interpretation skills are matched only by sinatra,but he takes more risks.good work.keep spreading the word.
Wow what a joy to find this page. Thank you so much. I did notice that one Mark title was missing which is a record he made in the UK in 1965 and which was released on the very hip Immediate label. Too pop for some perhaps but sounds great to me. Hope this link works:
Thanks again!
Hi Shivers Inside
Thank you for this, looking forward to listening to this.
Big thanks 'Shivers Inside', I've added your link to the discography.
Oh finally! Brazil Song. How I love Desafinado - the timing, the purposely off-key opening, the long. long hold. Genius! Thank you so much for posting this and in FLAC too
Hi mrivs -
It has to be said that Ish's MP3 rip of "Brazil Song" is better than the FLAC - the FLAC version has some nasty hiss on the "s" sounds ...
I'm enjoying that "Who Can I Turn To" album. Thanks for the think, Shivers. His style isn't as developed as later on but it's quite nice, as are the arrangements. Who did those?
haven't listened to Mark Murphy in ages so looking forward to going back down memory lanes with these..much thanks
No problems brycie :)
OK everyone, new addition :
"What a Way to Go" (1990, Muse)
01 What A Way To Go
02 Ceora Lives
03 I Fall In Love Too Easily
04 Saxophone Joe
05 All My Tomorrows
06 Jamaica (A Little Island Of Calm)
07 I Never Noticed Until Now
08 Clown In My Window
09 Ding Walls
Musician details, covers etc at link
Hi Mark murphyites -
It's discography dead-blog time :)
Did anyone download :
1958 "Let Yourself Go"
2003 "Timeless" (comp of 1971-2003 material)
and can you re-up?
Dang this is a good album. Just yet ANOTHER comment to say how much I keep enjoying this one. Has stayed at the top of my list.
Anybody got/heard this one? "This Must Be Earth" from Mark on Phoenix, from 1970?
Hi Simon, I love your blog! And this is top deck mind-blowing grooviness from Mr Murphy. I'm a big fan of Joni Mitchell, and usually think people's covers of her stuff fall so far short of her genius that I can't see why someone would dare attempt it. That said, there are the occasional exceptions, like Don Sebesky's fabulous instrumental version of 'Song To A Seagull' on Giant Box, which becomes a delicate, shimmering Rhodes lead jazz waltz, with harp and ullulating strings... fantastic! So when I saw that Murphy does 'Barangrill' - one of my favourite tracks from Joni's overlooked masterpiece For The Roses - I made a bee-line for that track, and wasn't disappointed. Continuing the Joni connection thread, and re Ish's comments on 'Pan-sexuality', check my blog (link below) for a posting of her live Woodstock '98 performance in which she performs 'The Crazy Cries Of Love', another song openly dealing with something rarely dealt with in music: the sounds of passion (with one obvious exception to contemporary prudery being 'Je t'Aime' by Serge Gainsbourg & Ellen Barkin). And don't you think that 'They' sounds as close to Terry Callier as Murphy gets? What a right on dude MM is/was... and, as someone once said "the dude abides". Cheers, the goat.
hey funkygoat -
thanks for dropping by, I see you've been over at Oufar Khan's grabbing "Stolen Moments" as well. The penny hadn't dropped for me that the Sebesky track (which I love) was a Mitchell track .. I had my *big* Joni phase about 30 years ago when I was writing songs on acoustic guitar, but have recently dipped back into some of the later jazz stuff. Anyway, make sure you grab "mark Murphy Sings" from Ile Oxumare, that's the other biggie :)
Amazin site! Long been after a copy of Murphy's incomparable version of 'lookin' for another pure love' since my dad nicked my vinyl- and Lo!! Any info on Murphy's acting career- vids etc- always thought he'd make a wonderful comic actor if his fantastic 'Doodlin' from Rah! is anything to go by. Many thanks to all who've taken the trouble to make these great albums available!
Great singer, I bought me "Once to every heart" a few months ago because of Til Brönner. But the earlier music of Murphy is even much better. Thanks for this experience! Greeting from Berlin
Added a link in the discography to "The Artistry of Mark Murphy" (1982) posted at Nine Sisters by Arkadin -
More from Arkadin posted at Nine Sisters, and added to the main discography here :
1983 "Sings the Nat King Cole Songbook" (Vol 1) at Nine Sisters
1983 "Sings the Nat King Cole Songbook" (Vol 2) at Nine Sisters
Another collaboration added to the discography :
"Indiana" - Jeff Hamilton Quintet at the blog 'Arkadin's Ark'.
Mark Murphy is only on "Split Season Blues" - a single track download (or the entire album) is available in the comments there :
Here, for me-is the irony. I discovered Mark Murphy when I was in high school back in the early 90s. MY birth name is Mark Murphy. I am a singer. And I am gay. What are the odds?
Actually quite high I think Mark! I know a gay electro musician called Mark Murphy ... :)
Mark Murphy & Karlheinz Miklin Quartet - Just Jazz
Ein schönes Neues Jahr! :)
"This must be earth" on Phoenix please???
Thanks Simon
I think I have rather overlooked this LP - I know/own Triad but the others sound good too although I can only download WAV 2 Part 1.
Thanks for sharing none the less.
hi jazzobsessive,
thanks for all of your comments :)
Let me know the names of the WAV files in Part 1, and I'll upload the others again.
Hi Simon
The missing tracks are
Thanks in advance-great blog great music!
Jazz Obsessive
Thank you
Muchas gracias amigo!!
Thanks for your choice of music. You do keep some good obsessions alive. The ones that feed love. As well as Mark Murphy. In this posting.
Selling Mark's rare 'This Must Be Earth' album on ebay, for anyone who might care - I listed it as 'This Must Be It', annoyingly. I have no idea why I did that, but I can't change it, anyway, here it is
Thanks so much. THis is the single most important blog I have ever stumbled across.
May have to up my monthly internet plan to cope with the gold you have here!!!
Oh what! What a fabulous place to find. Shamefully, I've missed out on the genius of Mark Murphy, only relatively recently discovering him. I was into Elling for a while but I find MM more to my taste. I'm so pleased that here I can make up for lost time. Would anybody care to recommend their favourite MM albums? Many, many thanks.
Too many great Mark Murphy recordings to mention. His self-produced effort from 2010, "Never Let Me Go", proves that he is still the most creative and compelling singer on the scene. For a good selection of earlier recordings, there's Rah, That's How I Love The Blues, and Midnight Mood from the 60s; Bop For Kerouac and Kerouac Then And Now, from the 80s; Song For The Geese from the 90s; Links and Some Time Ago from the late 90s/early 00s; and his recent CDs, Once Upon A Summertime and Love Is What Stays.
could u possibly do a re-up? I'm here late but I don't wanna miss out on this
Just read my earlier comment from January of 2012 and realized I gave the wrong title for one of Mark's albums. It's actually "Once To Every Heart" NOT "Once Upon A Summertime" (although that song is on one of the tracks). Also, neglected to mention two favorite 1970s albums: "Mark Murphy Sings" and "Stolen Moments".
Rapidshare and Mediafire links dead for Mark11 (wav part 1 still active)
Hi Paul -
All new links are now in the post itself.
Thanks Simon.
Are you still taking care of theis blog? It's the only place I've found the immediate reissue "Who can I turn to?"
Links dead, of course.. do you know if it was reissued under another name, or is it even possible to reup, after 6 years?
Mark Murphy last album: 'A Beautiful Friendship - Remembering Shirley Horn'(2012). The song 'Here's to Life' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ROqTvyJZ5o
Just wanted to give a general Thanks for everything. Love all the STRATA EAST stuff!!!!!!!
You're welcome, Unknown, thanks for the comment
Simply out of surprise: The "openly gay jazz" lists I've seen before have given Billy Strayhorn, Cecil Taylor and Gary Burton (for some big names).
just discovered mark murphy. i hope the links will be uploaded and someone shares moody's mood for love by mark murphy
Hi Summer -
7 year old post, so I'm just keeping the main album links updated for this and the other couple of hundred posts. Re the discography links : If you find other links in your search, it would be appreciated if you could post them here, then I can add them to the post. Thanks for any assistance!
And RIP to Mark Murphy.
Mark S Berry is presently at the helm of the Attack Group of companies, an independent media company. His Canadian productions have included I Mother Earth, two platinum albums for The Headstones, The Killjoys, Nothing In Particular, Fence, Burton Cummings (The Guess Who) platinum solo effort, and Up Close & Alone.
In The Mood For Love
Big fan of the late Mr. Murphy. Thanks for sharing this hard-to-find recording.
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