John Shakespeare Orchestra - "Number One Theme" b/w "Fade Out" (1969), arranged by Quincy Jones, promo for BEA airlines in the UK.
The B-Side "Fade Out" is the title theme from a TV episode of "ITV Saturday Night Theatre" starring Stanley Baker. Similar feel, instrumental with an energetic sax solo. Can't find a synopsis of the TV episode, but here's a pic :
Spotted for $1 at the market around the corner a few weeks back, grabbed this 45 immediately for Crap Jazz Covers, then saw Quincy Jones' name. "Number One Theme" is full of his harpsichord lines, lush strings, hammond solo, "do do-do-dooo" vocals, speedy summertimes at 100 mph ..... and all the not-so-hidden meanings are explained on the back cover above.
People seem to want about 30 pounds for this single, so damn it, we'll give it away for free and throw in a free bikini wax, even for the guys above. Hope you enjoy it (the music, that is).

Major find.
Well done Simon
Groove city!
Can't wait for the album.
This is seriously funky 60's soundstageorama.
If I was there I woulda grabbed it too.
It sounds almost unplayed!
Great rip.
Music to watch planes by. Got enough material to put together a compilation of ad music from the 60s (not just library stuff but the more upmarket isht)?
It was the free bikini wax that sold it for me. Thanks!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Two great tracks and completely unknown (to me, anyway ;-)
listening to the excerpt, definitely groovy, great score SImon! cheers...
I'm going to listen to this cheery tune every time I fly the "friendly skies" from now on--regardless of what brand of crappy, cramped, overpriced, under-maintained chariot with wings gets me to my destination (late, of course.) At least I can pretend air travel is still glamorous. Thank you!
I love these sounds!!!
thank you Simon
…and that's an all-time classic cover!
Certainly is Taro :)
Thanks for the comments guys, glad people are enjoying this.
Thanks for this music, so rich and melodic.
Very Nice !
Many Thanks
Wonderful stuff!
Bring back BEA.
Bring back BOAC.
Bring back Shakespeare!
Sick sick sick. Kind of what I want to play these days... Thanks!
Great stuff!
Thanks Simon
Only took a few seconds of streaming and I'm happily downloading this,thank you Simon!!
Thanking you.......
holy moley! so great!
Wow Just Way [0oL thanks ☮ldhippierick
Thank you. Very nice..
Been encouraging people who like this music to joint the Exotica music mailing list:
Hope you and your friends take a look.
My word, what a tasty find.
Fantastic. So evocative of a time when flying was glamorous and exciting. Thanks for posting this classic.
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