"Contradanza" (excerpt)
"Chekere Son" (excerpt)
"Pajaro Africano" (excerpt)
"Angelica" (excerpt)
"Saoco" (excerpt)
"Canto de los flores" (excerpt)
Back to some electric piano love. It's been a long time since the last Rhodes compilation, so here's a banging collection of funky, jazzy, 70s latin tracks for your listening pleasure! This is also in celebration of the completion of the Mongo Santamaria discography. Anyway ... the tracklist is on the back cover above, check the previews, and hope you enjoy it.
Also available :

... or check out all 18 rhodes compilations
for more electric jazz, afro, latin, MPS and brazil ...
Whoa, thanks Simon. I've picked up all your Rhodes comps in the past and this is much appreciated.
Many thanks.
The compilations are outstanding (as is your blog and all things Fender Rhodesian) Many thanks :)
Mucho Gusto!
Nice one :)
So who is Cheyenne , what album is that from
Thanks to the four of you : )
Reza - "Cheyenne's Comin' " by Cheyenne Fowler (1976) ... got a reissue a few years back. Another track with this one @ KG's :
Some around @ ebay too .... should grab one myself ..
I really enjoy your posts and have been looking forward to another volume of Latin Rhodes. My complaint is about the artwork. It looks a little fuzzy after printing. I'd like to see the resolution raised to 100 or 200 DPI.
My solution was to put low resolution pics up on my site to save storage space and use better pics in the downloads.
Looking forward as always. This should be good for the summer (sun just came out here!)
Many thanks Simon!
You're welcome TN, I guess this was kinda aimed at you northerners, as we're descending into winter here :)
Thank you X 1.000.000 for all the beautiful music and all the info! I'm thinking of a way to return the favor but I'm still blank... Will get back 2 u though!!!
Peace & Love!
A Big THANKS & Keep Up Your Excellent Work.THANK YOU Again!!!
Hi Simon,
Thank you. Have downloaded and enjoyed all your other compilations. Looking forward to hearing this one
(I have you to thank for turning me onto the fantastic Eddie Lockjaw Davis Album - Afrojaws)
sorry have you Simon 666 this album ?
CLEVELAND EATON :Plenty Good Eaton
CLEVELAND EATON :Bama Boogie Woogie
posted on
but removed
thax in advance !
onered dj italy
Word. Always enjoy the comps you put together here. Thanks.
Hi Simon
This sounds fantastic.
Just right for chillin whilst enjoying the great weather we have here in the UK at the moment.
Looking forward to England V Germany
Thanks as always
Jazz Obsessive
Nice one Simon, one can never get enough rhodes.
Cheers Mate.
Glad you're enjoying it guys.
... and Alessandro, sorry I don't have those ...had a look around and they seem to have been struck down by the Bl*ck J*zz curse , just not around.
YAY! Another Never Enough Rhodes mix. Thanks Simon, glad to listen to another one. Much love.
very nice, looking forward to this.
Hey speaking of Mongo -- I still need to sift through that online discog you've worked so hard on compiling, but I noticed (well, noticed because I have a pretty nice vinyl rip I did last year, and have been sitting on and waiting to share) that the title El Pussycat has both a different cover, a different release date, and apparently some link problems.. My version looks like the one here http://www.groovecollector.com/item/2/84421-181101-0-1-0/114074567/mongo-santamaria-el-pussy-cat.html
(I think I paid $2 for it, by the way, and not 30 Euro...) and it is definitely mid-60s boogaloo and Latin Jazz all the way. Is the other one just a late-70s reissue with a dif. cover? I can't locate the pics I took of mine to compare the track listing, at least not at the moment.
Great Blog, I have all Rhodes compilations, and i have a question, how i can contact you?
I would like to share a LP with you,and also if you could post it in your blog.
Cheers from Chile ..and sorry about my english.
BRAZIL RHODES 3 is up now, come and check it ...
Temporary glitch on comment publication seems to have gone .
taro nombei said :
" Looking forward as always. This should be good for the summer (sun just came out here!)
Many thanks Simon! "
You're welcome TN, hope you enjoy :)
Hi folks, cross-promotion time, come and check out the new Rhodes compilation : ”LIBRARY RHODES”
Contradanza. Reminds me of Alan Zavod... has anyone heard his Rhodes solo on Maynard Ferguson's version of La Fiesta (Chameleon)? Awesome player.
Thanks for all the hard work. These comps really show all the effort that goes in. PEace and GOD BLESS
New comp up, 'LATIN RHODES 4'
Thanks as always for the comments and support :)
oh no, I think someone has illegalized your rapidshare accont
thanks for all of your efforts!
thought the Blog was out of service but then (only recently) I recognized that you've re-upped the stuff
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